3 Steps To Taking Charge Of Your Horse’s Health
Today’s topic is a very important one. Perhaps I’m preaching to the choir, but it’s a topic that I’m very passionate about…helping to empower horse caretakers to confidently step into the role of being their horse’s first line of defense in all things, including their health care. Before you jump to out of your seats…no, I’m not advocating taking on the role of your veterinarian or replacing your regular veterinary care. Just reiterating that YOU are your horse’s first line of defense…YOU will be the first one to see a problem coming before it turns into something big…YOU will be the one who makes the decision to call the vet, or the hoof care professional, etc.
In this video I present you with 3 simple steps that have helped me over the years with my own herd of horses, and it is my hope that it will help you step into that role as well, with confidence.
The information in this article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any condition or illness. Nor is it meant replace proper veterinary care. It is meant for educational purposes only. Always consult your chosen veterinary professional before starting your horse or other animal on any therapy.
Lisa Carter is a Certified Equine Massage Therapist (CEMT), with multiple certifications from several different equine bodywork schools. She incorporates her knowledge and experience with Parelli Natural Horsemanship, equine bodywork, using essential oils for animals and as a veterinary technician to provide her clients with the resources they need to make informed decisions for their horses. She encourages and facilitates network building between equine health care professionals, working together to find the best combination of therapies to meet the needs of the “whole horse”.
Are you ready to get better results with your horse? Put your equine health care team to work so you and your horse can be doing what you were meant to. Click here to get started!