HomeGuest Author ArticlesThe Making Of A Police Horse – Nacho’s Journey


The Making Of A Police Horse – Nacho’s Journey — 6 Comments

  1. Love this article !   What a great story here and what a respectful program HPD runs.   I love that the horses are Loving their life versus being restricted in such a manner that they lose any curiosity.   Thank YOU HPD for what you do with your equines  😉

    • HPD does a great job of taking care of both the emotional and physical needs of their police horses. They do have a great program and I love that their officers continue to learn and grow with Parelli Natural Horsemanship. It’s definitely a win-win for everyone, especially the horses!

  2. This is such an inspiring story! I have several OTTB's who might be great for a police horse. I am tickled to see them make good use of the wonderful TB!
    Thanks for sharing this article!

  3. To NOT use this sort of interaction system is the same as expecting every child to behave exactly the same and live within the same confines … without acting out!  What a treasure this is:  bringing out what's magnificent and individual about each horse …

    • So much of the training of horses treats them as robots that if you push this button, then this will happen. It never takes into account the animal as an individual with differing behavioral motivations. It does them a great injustice, and many horses fall through the cracks because they don’t react “as expected” and are deemed untrainable. Great strides are being made in this area, and I love to hear their success stories!

  4. Pingback:Second Chances: Rehabilitation Of Horses For A Career Change

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