Hands on Healing for Horses
Guest author
Hands on Healing for Horses
by MarVeena Meek
(c) Feb 2012
I have loved horses and had them since I was a kid. Now we have 15 horses, several off the track racehorses (OTTB’s). When you have horses it seems like something is always going on. They get cut, banged up, abscesses, colic and more.
I learned a hands-on healing technique called Reiki in the early 90’s. It appealed to me because it was easy to learn and apply to any animal or person in pain or out of balance. Reiki is a Japanese word for life-force. The energy itself is Universal Life Force.
You do not have to go outside your belief system to take advantage of the healing advantage of Reiki. We have had a lot of opportunities to use it on colic cases. Sometimes I will use it with traditional therapy. Depends on how severe the pain is. You have to adjust how you channel Reiki on a horse. When you are channeling Reiki on a person it is really common to go into an altered state of consciousness. I don’t let myself do that on a horse. Eyes stay open and aware at all times for safety!
Horses have a chakra system just like humans, were we receive life force energy from the Universe. It spirals in through our major and minor chakras. When a chakra gets blocked it becomes distorted and the person or animal can’t get the life force energy like your body needs for basic health. This is when the organs can become diseased. Reiki helps to bring energy to the chakras, get them cleared and then get the Reiki energy to the organs of the body. Once the major organs have access to energy they can begin to heal, and the organs corresponding with them can too.
A basic treatment on a horse is to put your hands on each chakra and run energy there for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes the horse will decide when an area is complete by moving out from under your hands. Then you move to another chakra. If your horse has a wound you can treat the area right around it and the wound if it isn’t too sore. If they are too touchy about it, just do Reiki close to it. You can run energy anywhere on the horse and their system can move it were it needs to go.
When you have a horse with colic you can do Reiki on their stomach, especially at the top of the back about 5 inches from the top of the hip. That is a pressure point that connects to the stomach. I give about 10-15 minutes and if I don’t feel the horse is responding I will give a pain shot or call the vet. If it is going to work it will pretty quick, if not they need more traditional treatment.
Reiki isn’t a replacement for traditional approaches, it is a complimentary therapy. I have had a lot of Reiki treatments, they are really wonderful! There are several people who give Reiki training these days. I have been teaching it for going on 17 years. It has three levels, how far you go depends on what you want to do with it. Reiki 1 is wonderful all on it’s own. I have some videos on my website at www.marveena.com about my Reiki training.
Below is a video of a treatment session I did on a mare. If you have questions, send them to me. I will do my best to answer you. I hope you enjoyed this article, if you are like me you just want the best care for your horses and dogs. I think Reiki is a blessing!
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MarVeena Meek